Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Henry the hatchling sparrow is starting a family!

Well, two nights ago, Henry came over at dusk which is very unusual. He comes every morning about 2 times or more on the weekends when I am home.  But two nights ago he came at dusk, had a snack then (for the first time) crawled into the house I put up for him the day he flew off!  He stayed in there until we went inside for the night about 2 hours later.  Today in the early afternoon I saw him and a friend in the tree where I feed him and where his little house is. They both had pieces of hay in their mouths!  Henry took his into the house but the other one flew away when he/she saw me!!!   

I am thinking that Henry may be Henrietta and may be getting a home ready!!!!!!!!!  To be continued…