Friday, November 11, 2016

Putting Plastic In Its Place!

Hello friends!

The weather is getting cooler, the snow is starting to fall in some places, cozy spaces and warm hot chocolate is back in style, and all of us here at the barn are preparing for the cooler weather. Bodhi is most excited about being able to make snow cows and cow angels in the snow. It won’t be long now, Bodhi boy! We have had some fun events recently to report on and we have some fun things on the horizon too! Grab your spiced latte or coco with marshmallows and have a read!

We recently partnered with local third graders in two elementary schools to help raise awareness about the profound overuse and consequences of overusing plastics. The kids were asked to collect plastic waste for just one month and then divert it to us to repurpose. They took the assignment seriously and boy were we overwhelmed by their participation and the amount of plastic that came to us in that month! To date, the kids have helped us recycle the use of plastic by making hundreds of dog toys, the beginning of a greenhouse, and insulation for the barn for the winter. The kids have done all of the work AND we still have so much more plastic to utilize. Great job, students!! These are really great projects that you can do at home too! Do you have any fun ideas for repurposing plastic?

We have a very special ceremony coming up and we would love for you to join us. Saturday, December 3rd at 3:00 pm we will hold a very meaningful, yet simple ceremony to remember and honor our companion animals who have crossed over. Their presence comforted us, their love enriched us and their devotion lifted us up. We will take time to lovingly remember them in our annual Remembrance for Companion Animals Ceremony. We will gather at the Project:Thrive barn, light a personalized luminaria, make a prayer flag, share stories, readings, and call the names of our beloved companions as the bell rings in their honor. Light refreshments will be served. If you cannot be present at our Remembrance but would like a luminaria lit in your companion’s memory and your companion’s name called, we will be honored to carry out your request. Please contact us at

It’s almost time to truly celebrate our volunteers with our Volunteer Appreciation Celebration! Please join us after our Remembrance Ceremony to honor all of our wonderful volunteers who make Project:Thrive, well, THRIVE! The celebration will take place at the barn at 4:00 pm on December 3rd. We are so grateful for your gifts, talents, and hard labor and we want to share our gratitude and appreciation with YOU! We will have vegan chili, cold and warm beverages, and S’MORES (vegan, of course!) to make over the bonfire. Doesn’t that sound like fun? We will have plenty of stories, laughter, and good times to keep you warm all night. We hope you will be there so we and all of the animals can thank you in person for all that you do for Project: Thrive throughout the year. We really do appreciate all of you.

Our animal spotlight for the month of November shines brightly on the Chickens! Eunice came to us from the animal shelter. She has no beak but we soften her food for her with extra water and she gets along just fine! Eunice is very affectionate and gentle. Did you know that chickens purr when they feel safe and cared for? Eunice will gladly sit close and let you pet her. The girls take over the goat’s and Bodhi’s barn during the day when it is cold and snowy outside. We guess it is more fun to go to someone else’s house than stay inside at home all day. And yes, the boys will often hang out in the coop when it’s cold! We have included a picture of sweet Eunice, who also likes to go for car rides! Has she melted your heart yet? All of our chickens are wonderful and sweet, and oh so smart! If you would like to sponsor Eunice and the chickens, or any of our sweet animal friends, we invite you to read about each of them and decide which one speaks to your heart. Your generous donations are what help Project: Thrive continue to do this amazing work! For more information, please go here:

That’s all for now. Thank you so much for your continued support and kindness. We are truly grateful. Stay warm and enjoy your November! We hope to see you soon.

(Pictured: Dog toys and barn insulation created from plastic waste, a picture of sweet Eunice ready for her car ride! (Silly girl), Also a picture from a previous Remembrance ceremony with our sweet donkey girls stealing some affection!)

In Kindness,

Project: Thrive