Sunday, January 10, 2016

A Very Special New Year's Resolution, From a Chicken.

Hello friends!

Did you miss me? I sure have missed all of you. My last blog was a rip roaring success thanks to all of your likes, so here I am again! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. Mine was fantastic! I must admit that my fuzzy pants are fitting a bit tighter but that’s quite alright. Have you made your New Year’s Resolutions yet? What are they? I told mom that mine was going to be to get our Facebook page to 10,000 likes! She said that might be a bit of a lofty goal for a little chicken and that maybe we should go for 5,000 to start with. That sounds reasonable. I will need your help though; are you up for the challenge? All you need to do is invite all of your friends on Facebook to like our page. That’s it! Super easy! I love our little sanctuary and I want the whole world to know about us. Plus, any friends of yours would be wonderful friends to have, so won’t you send them our way? Our goal is 5,000 likes (10,000 really but don’t tell mom) so let’s see how close we can get! On your mark….get set….GO!!!!

Big thanks to everyone who purchased a 2016 calendar and to those who sent us gifts from our wish list. You probably don’t realize what a huge, wonderful impact that made. I told mom that we must have sold so many calendars because I promoted them in my last blog. I am a celebrity now you know. Either way, we sure do appreciate your support, it means the world to us! Some of my brothers and sisters even had people step forward who want to sponsor them! Can you believe it? You should have heard everyone carrying on at the barn when we found out. Bodhi was mooing (trying to bark) and kicking his feet up dancing, Roja was running in circles with excitement, and the goats were jumping for joy! It was a little scary for us little folk. You haven’t lived until you have a 2000lb bovine dancing around in your pasture! We were all very excited though and we feel so much loved. Thank you all again. 2015 was such a great year to be a chicken; I can’t wait to see what 2016 brings. If you are interested in finding out more about my home, purchasing a calendar, purchasing something from our wish list, or sponsoring one of us, you can find all of the information here: .

We have some very, very, very exciting things coming up at Project: THRIVE in the spring, but I can’t tell you what they are just yet. Stay tuned and we will let you know all the details as soon as we can! In the interim, I wanted to share this very special video with you: ttps://  This is a heartwarming story of a very good friend of mine. He had a rough start in life, just like me, but he is doing so much better now. I think this is the best story ever of how animals are good for your soul. As a chicken, I think humans are good for our souls too because there is nothing like a hug from a human (especially the ones you call children). This story reinforces the power of love and compassion and we love every time Dre comes to visit us here at the barn. It may seem that we animals are just standing around eating hay and lazily enjoying the day, but we are also doing very important work here at Project:THRIVE. We are changing lives one moo, oink, cluck, whinny, Baaaaa, at a time!

Well, I suppose that is enough excitement for one day. Thank you again for all that you do for us here at Project:THRIVE! We really do love each and every one of you. Don’t forget to invite your friends to come play and like us on Facebook; 5,000 likes (10,000 really) or bust! WE can do it!!!!

With lots of love, cluck, cluck, cluck,

Little x